We just hit our Winter 2015 crowdfunding goal! I'm over the moon at this point! We're at 109% of our goal and we still have more than two weeks left. I just purchased three new cameras today, along with a cheaper model I purchased last week. This brings us back up there in terms of operating cameras. We were running 18 total after the two died in December. This brings us up to 21 cameras. We received a generous donation of batteries as well to cover the cams for the summer. At this point our only obligation is getting some lithiums for next winter. We still have our spring funding drive coming up in April as well. That funding drive will include embroidered hats as a perk for donating $50. I just purchased some embroidered hats for another project of mine (geology related) and as it turns out it's not too expensive to get some high quality hats embroidered, so I'll keep you guys posted on that front.
In other news Robert Leiterman has started work on our new book on the film site re-discovery project. It should turn out pretty good. We're all writing a portion, Steven, Rowdy, Robert, and I so I will be a collaborative effort and hopefully serve as our capstone for the film site re-discovery project. You can expect that out around fall-winter 2015.
Thanks much for the support guys! I'll upload some new pics of the cameras when they come in! -Jamie